Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Week in Ashland, Oregon

Snow, snow and more snow! Just like Indiana. The snow is supposed to stay on the mountain tops not at our level. And Portland, Oregon, where Dan & Sheila reside, have had 18 inches & Dan had to jack up his car to remove snow, install chains and with a manual winch, was able to get their car out of the driveway today, Tuesday, before Christmas! Portland has nearly shut down with the most snow in their recorded history! And more snow today & tomorrow! It is doubtful if they will make it to Ashland for Christmas.

Our Christmas Tree is just right. Selected in our mountains by Adam, we are very pleased! We thoroughly enjoy our tree. . .with it's spinning ornaments scattering droplets of light around the room. Nights are especially nice with tree lights on and fire and Christmas music, what could be nicer on a cold winter night? We still have the child in us and perhaps it's the Christ Child within enjoying His birthday celebration!
We hope you all enjoy the same Christmas wonder!
Snow photos from our front porch.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Amanda Softball News Today!!!

Lori & Bob's Amanda has taken her softball skills to 3 colleges and today got word from her first choice, California State University at Monterey CA that she made the team with a 4 year scholarship!!!! She's interested in marine biology and will be located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean!!! What a deal! Monterey is about 2 hours from San Jose in the San Francisco Bay area. She feels fortunate to be chosen and actually tried out by playing with their softball team at the University. We'll be watching for her next fall! Congratulations Amanda!

Texas Blake & Big Birthdays!

Holly & Joe's son Blake is now cruising into his second year!!! And as you can see is quite capable of getting into everything! Grandma Candy has lots of fun following him around the house cleaning up after him. . .remember all you old folks, that is exactly what your parents did for you!!!!!

Tyler & Ashley Freed also just had birthdays! Congratulations!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Ashland Water Polo Champs

Adam Good, Lori & Bob's son, is pictured in this photo appearing this week in our Ashland paper's monthly review. Can you find Adam? To the right, middle. He is number 15 & if you double click on the photo you will get a great enlargement. Both the girl's and men's teams won State Championships! A major fete for small town Ashland. Congratulations to Adam and his team for this accomplishment!

Thanksgiving in Ashland

Dan & Sheila joined Esther & I at Lori & Bob's place to celebrate Thanksgiving. Jana & Paul were hosting Paul's family in Eugene. Adam & Amanda were busy with friends and schoolwork so the week-end was more quiet than usual. In Corsicana, Texas, Roly's had their family join them at the home place. Of course they usually have warm weather in Texas and probably went boating. For them, all three of their kids are gone from the nest. Tyler, now at Colorado University, flew home while Ashley & Zack had a short drive from Austin. Holly's live a few miles away making Thanksgiving a complete family affair.

Meanwhile, back in Ashland, it took several hours for Bob & Adam to drive the group up the mountain into tree cutting areas. With a $5 permit, you can cut your own tree. They managed to find 4 suitable trees, 1 for Grandma, 1 for Lori's and Dan packed two on his car, one for them and the other for Jana's they would drop off on their way home in Eugene. The trees are now up and most decorated. We all enjoy the Christmas Season, the Christmas Tree lights and memories we are all reminded of. We were all thankful for family this Thanksgiving!