Monday, April 13, 2009

Birthday in Eugene

A BIG 9 years for Brady Hazelton at Jana & Paul's place. He especially enjoyed an Iverson NBA basketball sleeve, a little big for now, but with grandma Esther's help, it will fit & Brady will soon grow into it and his love for basketball. He also loves to hit home runs and had two in a recent game scoring enough runs to easily win the game! Congratulations Brady for a Big Birthday!

Home Place in Ashland

We had at least 20 hummingbirds last summer and all of them decided to go south during the winter except a pair that nested in our large pine tree out front. Since they decided to stay for the winter, that meant we had to feed them and have kept sugar water in our two feeders all winter. They became so friendly last summer I was able to get within two feet on a ladder and take these photos along with many others. I could feel the air from their wings as they buzzed my head. . .quite an experience!