Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friends from Taiwan

Jimmy Wu, a student at our University in Ashland, started attending our Presbyterian Church several years ago. He was learning English and American ways and far away from his family in Taiwan. We became friends and several years ago invited him to spend Christmas with us. He was excited to experience his first "Christian Christmas" in the USA. He had no idea that we gave each other gifts and was really surprised that we included him with gifts! He then moved to Washington & began attending Western Washington University. He made the 600 mile trip to be with us again for Christmas & this time he was prepared with gifts!!! Jimmy fit in well with our family. This past Christmas, we received a call from him and he was able to come again but had a special request. His mom & dad & brother were coming and wondered if it would be ok if they came too? We were delighted! We invited them to stay at our place and they accepted! Jason, his brother, knew very little English and mom & dad did not speak English! They were a lively family wanting to experience everything they could! They played games with us including Five Crowns - they jumped on the trampoline - they enjoyed our food - they brought gifts & received gifts - they wanted to attend our candle lighting service at church - they even had fun scraping the frost off their rental car's windows. Whenever there was anything to do in the kitchen, Mrs. Wu was there helping. . .words were not necessary. . .cutting, dicing & stirring are the same in all languages!! And whenever we needed a translator, Jimmy was always there! We had a great time with our new friends making this past Christmas a grand memory.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas in Texas

December, a month to remember! A Rose Bowl disappointment for the Oregon Ducks and families gathering. But Oregon and Texas do have long lasting memories of both losing their Bowl games on National Television! We all know that the Christmas Season is happy for most folks but sad for many others. We all remember those unusual Christmases over the years but this year had many enjoyable moments. Roly & Candy had their clan gather in Corsicana, Texas. The usual climate is mild even in the winter even though I remember ice storms in December. But the winter blast waited until January for Texas where they have been shivering with 20 degrees! and in Oregon it's Spring, almost! We all missed the Texas kids and grands and greats! And finally received these memories to enjoy with them. Now headlong into another year, we are all thankful for life and the opportunity to grow some more gratitude to keep us warm!
Thanks to Candy, Roly, Ashley, Zack, Holly, Joe, Blake and Tyler! We all missed you!