Thursday, March 17, 2011

Imagine Night Fishing Alone

Somebody sent me a e-mail from an unknown address all numeric which looked very suspect. . .the kind your afraid to open!!! With no clue who sent it, I ran it thru my virus protection who scrubbed it with penicillin then assured me it was not carrying any bad bugs!!! Opening it carefully, the above photo emerged! Out of focus and half there, I was hardly able to detect a familiar face with a silly cat grin barely hanging onto what appeared to be a 30 lb hybrid bass! Imagine, fishing at night, all alone, on your own pier, catching a whopper fish, and trying to tell this fishy story without a photo! Fortunately, Roly(the odd face in the photo without the scales) must have fumbled for his cell phone with one foot on top of this huge fish, then with left thumb grabbing the fish lip, trying to hold it steady, right arm stretched with cell camera in hand fumbling for the shoot button while hugging this wiggly heavy bass. The result is what you see!!! Now you make up your story from this evidence! So far, I have no details but was amazed that he being the techy he is, could take this his own picture, find my email address on his cell phone(something I didn't know was possible & it isn't on my phone - must be a Blackberry or IPod or new breed) and send it to me via the Internet!!! What a world we live in! It's about time for me to renew my cell phone contract and be sure I'll be asking a lot of new questions! Even getting a cell phone with a camera was putting me in the present age, then learning to text, I thought I was really living with the grandkids - but I'm still behind!!! and running as fast as I can to keep up! Thanks Roly for the photo! Now send me the details!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Great Grand Daughter Celeste

Jaime Freed, Dan & Sheila's daughter has been working hard completing her Naval computer training at Great Lakes, Illinois. She hasen't talked about all the snow in the Chicago but they have had around 100 inches this year which means it's pilled high in all the streets and parking areas!

Last Christmas, Jaime flew to Oklahoma and spent time with her daughter, Celeste who now walks everywhere and is in her second year! We just received these photos from Christmas! Jaime's photo is an earlier shot but it reminds us of our genetic transfer to our children. You know, everything is attached to everything!!! Thanks to Jaime for keeping in touch!
PS Just got a note this morning that Jaime has just completed her computer class with the highest grade in the class!! She's excited and now waiting for her new assignment!! Great job, Jaime!