Monday, May 9, 2011

Texas T Ball

How old do you have to be to play T-Ball in Texas? How about 3 or maybe 3 1/2? And at that age you should know what a baseball is and a bat! And if you don't know what T-ball is, imagine a baseball resting on top of a pole - that is adjustable to your height - then your instructed to hit that ball hard! with the bat, of course. Imagine yourself or Blake, 3 1/2 years old looking at that white ball & being told to swing!!! According to mom, Holly, Blake swung so hard the bat & Blake turned a complete circle and the momentum plopped him on the ground with a thud! She couldn't stop laughing! But I never heard whether Blake hit the ball!!

Blake does like to catch a ball and at his age he is remarkable!!! I watched him last fall and couldn't believe his uncanny ability to catch a ball. I still think his dad, Joe makes him practice every afternoon after day care! Catching is one thing, hitting is another. Maybe we'll get an update on Blake's batting average, in a couple years when he's in the big league!

Incidently, Blake is playing for the Mildred, Texas Day Care Team!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

BIG Birthday In Ashland

It's hard to believe that my last post was March 17! Just a few days before my big surgery on March 24! I was planning to post photos of this ordeal but it took me a month before I wanted to see them!!! And, as I expected, they reminded me of events I didn't remember and did not want to remember! You have seen some of these photos so why inflict more of my misery on you? and especially now when gory photos are world headlines? Instead, I'm moving on to the grand treat I received on my BIG Birthday!!! All of you apparently talked and decided to give me balloons instead of candles to celebrate all my years on planet earth!! And to my surprise, when entering our living room late afternoon on April 29, I was greeted with a jungle of balloons!!! What a fun surprise!!! I could have never blown out all the candles anyway!!! So I just settled down in my favorite chair took in the beautiful sight!

Thanks to all of you who shared in this production! It was indeed a wonderful Birthday gift to me. Of course the next day, I felt like all the balloons that had lost their gas and now littered the floor!!! If you didn't know it, helium only lasts for one day in rubber balloons but it lasts a long time in Mylar balloons!!

I'm now in rehab twice a week exercising on treadmills and bikes. They're pushing me out of low gear even though most days I'd rather stay there! Overall, I'm doing well and healing well for which I'm very thankful!!! You have all been a great support to me with your love and prayers. . .THANKS!