Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Costa Rico at Age 11

Brady, just finished the 5th grade and at the Spanish/English school he attends, they earn the right to take a trip to Costa Rico just before they enter 6th grade. Jana & Paul worked all year getting him ready for his BIG trip this June! Brady flew from Portland and stayed the first week with local folks and had to use his Spanish!! Brady was assigned to a young family with a restaurant!!! How lucky can you be??? Their last 4 days were spent having fun as you can see. Brady says it was a blast!!! and he met many new friends. He was glad to get back to familiar surroundings with a new appreciation for home!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Clipped in Eugene

Clipping is usually a football term but Derrick decided he needed a head clip! Long curls were too much for a growing boy headed into 3rd grade this fall! Very carefully, Jana & Paul started whacking off the curls! What a change! Congratulations, Derrick! You have grown up a bunch by giving up something you lived with so long!! The short of it is, you look Great!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Texas Cabbage Heads!

Joel, Holly & Joe's son, must have been visiting grandpa & grandma (Roly & Candy) cause I'm quite sure they are the big Texas growers! I understand they go to market in Mildred every Saturday with their fresh produce. I even got a box of wonderful tomatoes for father's day. . .and all 9 in excellent shape from Texas to Oregon all marked by hybrid names! We all agreed that Superfantistic was the best!

Joel got to learn his arithmetic or math as they now call it and I suppose grandpa made him figure how many square inches and of course how much this beautiful cabbage weighed. Needless to say their garden is growing like mad! Wish we were closer or there were more father's days!!