Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Church Anniversary Celebration

Sunday, January 8, we were honored with a reception after the worship service. A nice group stayed and enjoyed a taste of cake and punch! Our pastor had us gather in a large circle, holding hands she offered a prayer for us and then opened the prayer to anyone who wanted to add something. . .there was a long silence. . .then one by one our friends added a thanksgiving for something we had done for them. . .things in our distant memory. . .overwhelming! This was an unexpected event after which I made a difficult speech. . .unrehearsed! Fumbling for words, I was able to share our celebration at Lake Tahoe with family! I told them of the questions I had asked our grandkids. . .about who you guess was the troublemaker in our marriage!! They chuckled at the answer! How do you correct the trouble? I asked? When Joel quickly added, "You say I'm sorry!" Our friends responded!!! and readily agreed with Joel that the correct response was to look each other in the eye and really mean it! We received many cards and personal comments. . .we had no expectations only a fun time together but went home pleasantly exhausted! It was a grateful reminder that the little things we do for others, hospital visits, taking a loaf of bread to someone hurting, sharing our cabin with a terminal cancer friend, taking that step towards others often when you don't feel like it. . .all were reminders of what someone said, "People don't remember all you do for them but how you make them feel."

Our 60Th Anniversary is not a bragging time but a time of thanksgiving. . .that our Creator God has given us time together and given us wisdom to forgive and grow in our faith and commitment to each other and to our family. You all are the true riches of our lives!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas In Tahoe

We started planning for a family Christmas gathering before my March heart surgery. It seemed like a long way away! But the time train keeps moving and before we knew it, we were travelling to Lake Tahoe! Roly had negotiated for a 6 bedroom 3 story house with an indoor swimming pool on the lower floor. We wondered how we would handle all the stairs!! but we did OK slowly with lots of help carrying things from a mini kitchen to the main kitchen. Can you imagine 24 of us in the same house for 1 week!!! We did it!! Played lots of games, had a wonderful Christmas and everyone had a stocking filled with many surprises! I took over 200 photos and will give you a brief sampling, and all unposed shots with some members missing. We all managed pretty well, all families had a bedroom, kids ended up sleeping anywhere. Lots of cushions and large rooms to get lost in. . .and of course the swimming pool, sauna and hot tub on the lower floor!! All this half way up the mountain with views in every direction. And this year, the entire northwest has had no snow!!! Lake Tahoe thrives on winter snow. Tubing was out but Ice Skating was available. Most of the time, everyone found interesting things to do and there were ample electronic devices and recharger's all over the place! Now we are all home and the Time Train keeps moving us to our next destination and we have found that if you never plan anything, you will arrive there, at Nothingville! Remember Sound of Music, "Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could?" So remember, always be planning something, something to look forward to, and you will arrive there and make a new memory!