Friday, September 21, 2012

Adam's Big Move

With a room full of stuff,  clothes, shoes, posters and drawers full to overflowing,
what do you take to an unknown dorm that will be your place for the next year?
You start whittling it down to basics. . .very few basics!  Then you begin to think
you don't care, you'll just go and leave it behind,  but maybe, Adam thought,  I will need a few things and maybe I'd better start with a haircut!

Wednesday, Sept. 19 was the BIG moving day to Portland State University, downtown Portland.  The adventure has started!  And Lori, Grandma and I followed along to help.  We were soon reminded what the big city is like:  construction everywhere,  one-way streets, stoplights, people everywhere,  no parking places unless you get a paid permit.  Concrete is everywhere!  In the middle of all this is Portland State.  And at building 625 on the 4th floor is a small room that has become the home of Adam and his roommate.  Most of you have left your children somewhere under the watch of someone else but college is different.  It's the first push towards independence and the safety and comfort of home.  As we left Adam in his new 8 X 16 foot home,  aloneness set in for all of us and a deep sinking feeling as we walked down 4 flights of stairs towards our car, prolonging our departure as much as we could.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Texas in Florida

Who would guess that a bunch of Texans would go to Florida in August?  But here they are in the middle of 100 degree heat, basking on the beaches of Florida! If you were in Oregon on the coastal beaches, it would be 20 degrees cooler than interior temperatures!  I suppose there were some cooler ocean breezes blowing in from Newfoundland!   Roly & Candys  extended family decided to celebrate 3 of their August birthdays in far away Florida!  Of course, Alice from Austin with proud parents, Ashley and Zack stole the show! But birthday cakes and beaches made this event a grand memory!  Blake, Joe and Zack all added another year to their aging process and probably hardly noticed!  We all join in congratulating the birthday people and the family for giving us a glimpse of this wonderful occasion.  And, as you notice,  I, old man Freed,  managed to figure out how to transport photos from Picasso albums on the Web to my Blog!!! But had to settle for limited tweaking on the Google site and if all the folks from Texas will look at the album, you will see what I did. Click on photo to enlarge.