Friday, January 1, 2016

Christmas & New Years Day

We went to Taco Bell for lunch today, New Years Day, and behold, 4 kids on horses were in the drive thru placing orders!  Thought we were back in the wild west! Meanwhile back at the ranch,  our Christmas Tree stands beautifully lighting the corner of our living room!  We'll enjoy it as long as possible before the Boy Scouts come  to pick up all the leftover trees for composting.

While Blake & Evan try to get some sleep in grandma and grandma's bed deep in the heart of Texas.  We understand that the kids were hit with the Christmas flu and by Christmas morn,  all except Holley cams down with the dreaded stomach flu!  They did manage to open some presents and were feeling better by the week end.  Family togetherness does have it's pitfalls and we always hope it's not us!  Glad to know that everyone is feeling better for the New Year!  (click on photo to enlarge)

A favorite saying of mine:

The New Year is like fresh fallen snow . . .
Be careful where you step
for all your tracks will show.