Sunday, June 19, 2016




The grand kids keep graduating! , , ,and in a few years the great grand kids will be wearing the gown!
Esther and I made the trip to Jana and Paul's place to celebrate Payton's High School Graduation!  It was a packed theater downtown and we were separated from Jana's and on different floors.  When it was all over we decided to just wait - the crowd flooded the aisles and lobby - there was no place to go!  Eventually,  Brady and Derrick found us.  Lots of photos and excitement.

Early the next morning, Jana drove us to Portland where we connected with Lori, Amanda, Adam and Dan's
(Jaime and Sheila)  We had lunch together and headed for the Rose Garden Arena where Adam along with 2500 other students would graduate at 2 pm!  We decided to park the van in a downtown garage and ride the tram to the Garden.  We didn't have to worry about traffic and parking!  It worked out well and we experienced the longest graduation in history!!!  It started 45 minutes late and by the time we had heard all 2500 names read,  we had sat on hard chairs for 6 long hours!  What we do for our kids and grand kids and
on and on it goes!  But the rewards are great!  Family togetherness adds strength to each individual!  We see the results of those who go thru life alone!  We join our hands to all of you with gratitude and appreciation!
(click on photo to enlarge)

Friday, June 10, 2016

Gain & Loss Together



Pluses and minuses often come together.  Lori has been looking for a home she could afford especially in southern Oregon where prices remain high and few for sale in the affordable range.  The house side of us had been trashed by marijuana growers making it affordable for Lori to purchase. Painting in and out, new kitchen floor, removal of trash along with unpacking at least 100 boxes seems to never end.

In the midst of all this,  one of her aging Collies became ill and was diagnosed with cancer.  Very quickly Maverick passed away in the middle of all the moving muddle.  Mom, Dan and I joined her along with a friend,  drove up the mountain, dug a grave and buried him with tears and sadness.

We are all moving on trying to focus on the wonderful memories along with creating a whole bunch of new memories!  We never thought one of our kids would be living right side of us!  Now is graduation time again and tomorrow,  we will travel north to see Payton and Adam graduate.  And as you remember,  we looked forward to leaving home and becoming independent in the adult world.  As we grow old,  it seems we become more dependent and probably would like to return home again!  We all know that going back to our beginnings is never the same. . .so we move on from place to place building friendships that give us a sense of security in our old age! Especially the friends we have cultivated over the years!
(click on photo to enlarge)