Monday, April 24, 2017

Back Home Again in Indiana

When all our kids were home,  Sue and Carolyn joined us as family.  Our foster family were older and attracted college age men.  We met Steve from Angola and cultivated a friendship that we have maintained all these years.  He of course,  married another and helped create 3 beautiful daughters.  They all visited us in Oregon when the girls were in hi school.  Every trip back to Indiana,  we visit them and extend this golden friendship!

To our delight,  their daughter, Susan was visiting a close friend in northern California and spent several days with us.  We all had a wonderful time discussing our spiritual journey.  These times are the golden opportunities of life!  Grab them every chance you get! (click on image to enlarge)

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Roly must have picked up farming from all those trips to Michigan.  He spent many hours in the barns, climbing the beams and chasing the chickens.  Some of that chicken dirt must have stuck to his genes. Can you imagine him, retired, starting a chicken business?  First, the chickens need a place to live.  After hours of research, behold, a Chicken House designed for egg production!  It has special drawers beneath the chickens layered with wire mesh so all the debris can fall on the ground except for the eggs yet still protect the chickens from intruders.  Of course the birds have a screened in porch allowing them outside!  This project has landed at Joe and Holly's place so Evan and Blake get the honors of chicken care.  This begins with fuzzy little babies! Holly now has her school room in the front yard!  If we're smart,  we learn that everywhere we go becomes our school room!  Congratulations to our Texas Chicken Ranchers!
(click on photo to enlarge)

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Toeday in Oregon

The Saga of Esther's toe continues!  This past Tuesday,  was to be the big day to have the pin removed but got a call on Monday that the Doc was sick so Esther had to be rescheduled for yesterday, Friday! Naturally,  it was a huge let down for her, but as you know,  she found some new energy after we eat out at the famous In and Out Burger Joint!  You can now see that the Doc was finally "in" and the 3 inch pin is gone!  Esther can now wear her shoes again!

While we were unloading some groceries after the doctors visit,  Lori came over with these morels found
in her backyard, which is about the size of 4 ping pong tables!!!  We couldn't believe it!  It's the last of March and these beauties were as fresh as they come.  She was weed whacking and could hardly see
them!  I don't hunt anymore under 4000 ft to avoid poison oak!!  If you want morels early, you hunt in the flatter wooded areas about 40 miles from us in public forest areas.  We'll wait until May to get serious about hunting.  I'm not ready yet to dust off my morel hunting equipment!  (click on photo to enlarge) Not an April Fools story! If you come over tonight,  I'll fry them for you!