Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Accident in Eugene, Oregon Update

UPDATE: Oct. 5 while Derrick was in Ashland, we removed his band aid & while swimming at the YMCA pool in Ashland, his fabric stitches came off. It looks like he has healed well and is a happy kid. He played hard all week-end!

Derrick, now 5 years old ran and quickly changed directions to meet up with a golf club in the head. He's still smiling after 5 stitches and a black eye, thankful he can smile! These accidents have happened to all of our families leaving memory scars that bond us together. We're glad that Derrick is still moving at fast speed, maybe, medium speed and wanted to go to school today with swollen eye and head bandage!!! After all, that's something to show off!

The Hazeltons, namely Jana & Paul, had a busy yesterday!

Hooray for Derrick!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After I put Derrick to bed, I looked on the calendar and realized that the next day was "Picture Day" for his class pictures...figures... Well, we'll remember this one...