Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wii Christmas

Our kids like to keep us in the 21st century. . .so after trying their new Wii games a year ago, we were fascinated by the realistic way you could bowl, play tennis and golf, in your living room! Esther and I bowl just like being at the bowling alley! You hold the bowling ball (controller) in your right or left hand, stand in front of your TV which pictures the alley and pins, you stride, swing your arm and release the ball (controller strapped to your arm so you don't throw it thru the TV screen) and if you aim right and don't throw too much of a curve, you get a strike!!! It's as much like the real thing as I've seen yet! Ask Dale Wise from Wakarusa. He and Treva visited us last fall and as a lefty, he learned fast and was throwing strikes and spares! But our kids didn't think that was enough for us so they all went together and bought us a Wii Fitness Board for Christmas. This is an amazing exercise tool for anyone. . .from jogging, yoga, balance, you name it! Esther and I are thoroughly enjoying exercise and actually look forward to it! And this week, we stopped in at daughter Jana's place in Eugene, Oregon where they have added guitars to their Wii!!! So now we can play guitar music by strumming and fingering to keep up with the music that streams towards you on the TV screen. If you miss too many beats your booed off the stage. It's a blast that all ages enjoy and levels of difficulty to match your skills. You can even sing along with a mic that's incorporated in the system. Amazing!!!!

If this isn't enough, our kids and grand kids now have us "text messaging" on our cell phone! I never thought we could learn this at our age but it wasn't as hard as it looked and the phones make it easy for you. Since we learned this new fad, our own kids who were afraid to learn decided if we could do it, they could too. It's a great way to get a message to some one's cell in a hurry without waiting for a pick up or leaving a verbal message. Just send me a note and I'll tell you how to get started.

Wii performers are, Brady & Payton Hazelton, Esther & Jerry.

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