Monday, May 4, 2009

Medford, Oregon Tea Party Protest

In politics, we have never publically protested anything even though we have been very disappointed in the liberal direction our politicians are taking us. It seems our legislative bodies will always liberalize our policies even if we always elected conservative politicians. I wish we could call those elected, "leaders" but alas, they are politicians and seem to make all their decisions based on polls and becoming re-elected. With the Huge Debt - spending - that is now ours, we decided to check out the Tea Party Protest, April 15, in Medford. To our surprise their were over 1000 folks there from young to old, like us, and a very oderly bunch. . .all anxious to let the world know that we want our government to cut taxes and cut spending!!!! We walked about 1 mile to the county courthouse and walked on the sidewalks. . .obeying all the traffic laws and signals. There were no police there to control the disorderly. . .there were No disorderly!!! Of all the protests I have seen on TV, police are always there arresting the combatants, those who gather at all protests and seem to make protesting their job. None of that at the Tea Party Protest. These were working folks and some retired who care about our country and are proud to be a American. What did you see on network TV, discrediting this effort with ridicule and name calling. It was obvious this effort made an impact on our country. When you try to silence your opposition with hostile remarks, the true character of that group is revealed. I am trying to find a balance in the left/right, the up/down, the right/wrong, political debate that floods our airways. I have seen more "fundamentalism" in liberal circles - an unwillingness to accept me as a person with a right to a differing opinion. The zealots in our society have become hostile and intolerant. I struggle to avoid becoming like this and continually look for news sources that offer me an unbiased open hand. I often think of the scripture where Jesus said to be careful when you bite each other lest you devour yourselves.

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