Tuesday, September 22, 2009

FIRE IN ASHLAND near Lori & Bob's

Esther had an appointment yesterday, Monday, with Lori for a therapy treatment. I dropped her off at about 10am, went downtown to get our mail. . .we just got home from a week in San Diego with the Kresses. . .had to wait for a fire truck. . .and proceeded to get our mail. After the usual 20 minute wait, I headed back to pick up Esther. As I headed back, I was astounded at the huge column of smoke billowing like a huge explosion in the direction or Lori and Bob's place. The distance from me seemed closer, perhaps near the university. There were lots of sirens and flashing lights ahead of me so I decided to take a back route on old main street towards our house. Now traffic was doing the same thing and I slowly proceeded the back way home. The radio had already picked up the excitement. In Oregon, any fire anywhere at this time of year with temps near 100, gets every ones attention. I could now see the fire was another mile towards I-5 and closer to our street and much closer to Tolman Creek Rd, Lori and Bobs Road! I turned back to pick up Esther and alerted Lori to what little I knew. Most of the roads were now closed going to her place but after her appointments, she hopped on her motor bike and managed to get home down sidewalks and back streets. There were fire trucks, helicopters, fire retardant tanker planes, bull dozers, and firefighters pouring into their area right in front of us. The 30 mph winds were taking the blaze towards their place. Bob had already got word and rushed home and was watering down the buildings and the yard. The heavy smoke was pouring upwards and in their direction. When I arrived via back roads, the power people were disconnecting the power in front of their house and copters were filling their buckets in a pond about 3 houses down. At times we could see 5 copters, and 3 planes(2 twin & 1 four engine plane) in the air above us. Lori climbed on top of their shed to get a better view of the fire. This was Adam and his friends perch as well as other friends who wanted the best view. There was fear and anxiety everywhere. Lori could hardly talk about it over the phone. Then the wind changed slightly and moved the path of the fire up the mountain rather than down. With the fast response of all the fire folks, today the fire is only smoldering after burning over 100 acres and losing only one structure, a home that was empty. Even last night, we talked about midnight and they were very apprehensive about the hot spots flaring up all night but today we went up and looked and even with another 100 degree day all seems well and folks who were evacuated are able to return with thanksgiving. It certainly makes you realize how unimportant material things are. . .but you can't replace people and animals.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update on the fire ... wow ... you are so right about the unexpected events that could and sometimes do change our lives. I join you all in being grateful that the wind changed directions in what could have been something most of us only read about somewhere else. Lori and Bob ... we're so grateful things turned out well for you and your property ... hopefully you are sleeping better tonight than the night of the fire.
Larry Wilson