Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hummers Stay in Ashland

Several hummingbirds decided to stay in Ashland instead of heading to Arizona for the winter. They probably know that obligates us to feed them until the flowers bloom in Spring! But this week we have an Arctic blast of cold air that seems like zero degrees wind chill even though the sun shines afternoon! Yesterday and today, the fog was so thick the frost grew every minute obscuring the sun. The barren trees and shrubs were all covered with a snowlike covering. I went out to get a photo and as usual, the hummers protested. They have claimed the feeders and let you know your too close. The hummer you see, decided to wait me out in the top of the frost covered tree and as soon as I went inside, took a long sip of sweet feed and retreated to home in the top of the nearby evergreen.

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