Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring in Ashland

Yesterday, Sunday, March 28, 2010, Esther and I were helping serve a breakfast at church. A friend came into the kitchen and showed us a mushroom he had just picked in the wood chips next to the sanctuary!!!! He thought he recognized it but felt it was unsafe to eat since he didn't find it in the woods!!! Several of us were ready to dive into the trash can and immediately began quizzing him on where he found it? He was bewildered at our intense interest and quickly surrendered it to me. . .simply because I made the biggest fuss! It is Spring in Ashland and the flowering trees and flowers are wonderful!! We hope this find is a sign of things to come as we prepare to venture into the high ground for more morels!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wedding Bells in Texas

Roly & Candy's daughter, Holly, was engaged at Christmas and since then, Holly & Joe have made wedding plans for Saturday, July 17, 2010! Presently they are looking to purchase a house in Corsicana, Texas. Holly has her hands full, teaching full time and preparing for the big day to take place in LasVegas, Nevada. Holly will be sending complete information. CONGRATULATIONS, Holly & Joe!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Amanda's Softball

Lori, Bob & Amanda in Ashland at her senior softball awards game. Just received a note from her at California State University with the following Web Site. They have posted each player with their biography. Amanda noted that she can hardly believe she qualified for their team as a beginning freshman, it's a dream come true!!! We'll be watching as she works into a starting position! She's majoring in marine biology.
Click on the colored print above to see Amanda's bio. You can also get her softball schedule and scores at this Web Site. I also just learned that their team is ranked 18th in the nation!!! Currently their record is 10-2 and are tied with Sonoma to lead their league!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

About a month ago, high gusty winds bombarded Ashland for several days! One storm after another damaged trees, roofs and fences! Our original fence posts were about gone and were finished with the winds. In light of nature's rampage around the world, this damage was very trivial but needed to be taken care of. And it requires dealing with another owner who lives in California and rents the house to college students. Getting estimates and approval to go ahead was quite easy and the fence guys were great to work with! We even baby sat for one of the workers who was a new Christian and excited with his new discoveries. I loaned his our copy of C.S. Lewis' book, Mere Christianity, a great book from one of the great thinkers of the 20th century. Today, the fence is now better than when we moved here, with only a little staining remaining!