Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring in Ashland

Yesterday, Sunday, March 28, 2010, Esther and I were helping serve a breakfast at church. A friend came into the kitchen and showed us a mushroom he had just picked in the wood chips next to the sanctuary!!!! He thought he recognized it but felt it was unsafe to eat since he didn't find it in the woods!!! Several of us were ready to dive into the trash can and immediately began quizzing him on where he found it? He was bewildered at our intense interest and quickly surrendered it to me. . .simply because I made the biggest fuss! It is Spring in Ashland and the flowering trees and flowers are wonderful!! We hope this find is a sign of things to come as we prepare to venture into the high ground for more morels!

1 comment:

Tim said...

Can you tell that I am salivating? Good luck morel hunting; am certain that this morsel will only whet your appetite.