Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Storm Hits Roly's

Candy & Roly hid under the bed recently until the storm blew over. It rattled the lights, blew down limbs, tore off the chimney cap and landed it on their back porch! Candy writes, " The storm, lots of wind, I thought our windows on the lake side were going to blow in. About 1am, we lost power and we didn't know the chimney cap blew off until morning! Trees were down all over the neighborhood. It was Holly's first night in their new home - both roads in to their house were closed by downed trees and power lines. Lots of roofs were blown off in Corsicana but it was not a tornado just a windy storm.

It's hard to believe that large heavy chimney cap flew that far and landed on that porch. Sure glad you survived without injury!

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