Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas in Texas

Candy & Roly have regular visitors on their back porch next to their kitchen! This raccoon family has discovered their bird feeder that sets on the wrought iron railing. The coon family manages to climb 20 steps then somehow climb this railing clean out all the goodies. . .poor birds! With cute babies like these twins, why not feed them? But when their adults, beware. As a teenager, my Wakarusa friends asked me to go coon hunting one fall. We trekked miles following coon hounds over fences, thru fields farms, mud and all in the dark! After what seemed like hours of misery chasing these dogs, they finally managed to tree a big raccoon. When the rest of us finally caught up, they handed be the rifle and told me to shoot between the eyes!!!! The gun was trembling as I tried to sight the target. . .after two shots, the coon started down the tree! Wounded, and still hanging on with 3 dogs jumping and anxious to tear him apart, he finally let go! Out-numbered, it was all these dogs could handle before finally winning the battle! I was overwhelmed with this ordeal and decided that coon hunting wasn't for me. Since then, I have encountered several raccoons and would say beware, they are mean critters! And if it were me or them, I would either run like mad or get my 22 and guess what!

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