Friday, September 23, 2011

Wilson's Visit Oregon

Jane & Larry Wilson are those special friends that stay connected over the years. We met in Elkhart and have continued the friendship with gusto!! Both Wilsons are now retired and living on the East Coast. They arrived the last week of August at just the right time. We didn't plan on a health detour that grew full bloom August 28. We had spent several days at the coast and had a relaxing time. Esther's leg had been bothering her. On our way back to Ashland we stopped in Roseburg where a springy rest room door put Esther on the floor. It was now very difficult for her to walk and we ended up at the Ashland Emergency Room. Since then and many tests, a herniated disc seems to be causing the problem. Sept. 20, she had a Cortisone shot in the spine. Healing and pain relief has now made it possible for her to slowly walk around the house. We are thankful.

In spite of this detour, we had a wonderful time with the Wilson's, who were a big help during this stress. The photos are from the Charleston area on the coast. The top is Sunset Bay and the bottom, Bandon Shoreline. Dahlias were gorgeous at Shore Acres. The pink flowers at Hall Lake near Lakeside are unknown. The Oregon coastal beauty is breathtaking and refreshing to the human spirit. . .a wonderful masterpiece by our Creator!

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J. Freed