Monday, February 20, 2012

Sonoma California Softball

Amanda's team, Cal State, Monterey Bay, just played a 4 game series at Sonoma University. Lori drove the 400 miles and we tagged along to enjoy Amanda for these two days. The weather was beautiful, a little chilly but 60 degrees! They played a double header last Friday and Saturday. Amanda was warming up the pitcher above. Monterey Bay managed to eek out 3 wins out of the four. The trip went well for us old folks. We were testing our traveling legs after the big slow down year 2011! It appears that we can manage to do some traveling again!

Amanda was delighted to see us all and we were able to have dinner with her. Our family still enjoys each other and as long as we're able, we will be there with thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amanda...You Rock...Luv Aunt Jana