Saturday, April 21, 2012

Alice, Our Tiny Texan

I was all set to post these photos when I discovered that Google had completely changed the format telling me I now have the latest!  I had to jump thru all the hoops,  wrote what I thought was a great piece about Alice and went to add these photos but nothing happened.  I searched and searched for the remedy even added Google's new browser and gave up. Accidentally, I found another possibility and waded thru the process again and I got my photos!!! As you see!!  This is the first new posting and hope it works for you.  I have a lot to relearn!

I will never be able to reconstruct the article about our new tiny miracle in Austin, Texas but Ashley and Zack certainly must be extremely happy to hold and love this result of God's creative gift!  When we look into the eyes of our combined genetic influences,  we stand in awe at this miracle in our midst.  Such tiny fingers and toes and such loving smiles helps us understand what babies want from us. . .touch, warmth,
dry, food and above all our love!  Alice reminds us that we all started this way and it is now our responsibility to give back what we've all received.   And we're waiting for a photo of Zack changing
Alice's diaper!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...I love the pictures... I just want to hold her soooo much... she is so perfect... good job guys!!!!!!! luv aunt jana