Saturday, June 9, 2012

Adam Graduates


Adam,  Lori's son has spent all his school years in Ashland, Oregon!  And his big day was Friday,  June 8.  His 2012 class graduated outdoors on a chilly evening beginning at 6:15pm.  Of course we got there about 5pm and could hardly find a place to place a blanket on the ground.  Grandma and I took folding chairs!  The days of sitting on the ground are long gone!!!  We even took a picnic but it was so crowded we decided to eat later. . .about 3 hours later!!!  Graduation programs are just too long and after all the speeches came the grand 268 diploma parade!  You'll notice Adam with diploma in hand!  We congratulate him and wish him well as he makes this first BIG step towards independence!  He plans to attend Portland State University in Portland this fall.

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