Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Population Boom in Texas!

APRIL is a Big Month!!!  and Annie Lynn just arrived in Austin, Texas, April 8 at 8:08pm.  She weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces,  20.5 inches big!  Congratulations to Ashley and Zack!  And Brady, her first cousin, now share the same birth date!

Yesterday,  April 8, Esther and I spent the afternoon shopping in Medford.  I mentioned Ashley several times and it seemed like where ever I went,  Ashley was on my mind.  I don't remember having this much awareness and I'm now pondering this event even more.  All our grand children and great grand children are very special.  All grandparents should feel the same way!  Glad to get these quick photos from Grandma and Grandpa in Corsicana, Texas!  (click on photos to enlarge)

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