Tuesday, August 12, 2014

6000 Mile Drive # 2

The second leg of our journey was Indiana.  We stayed a week with Forrey in Wakarusa. (Pictured with Phyllis Bacon at Hubbard Hill)  We met Jane and Larry in Waky and spent our first day with Dave and Brenda and on to Ft. Wayne to meet with the King family.  Met with brother Phil and Sharon at the Baugo Cemetery.  It's always lots of mello memories that surround you there.  We walked among the tomb stones recalling the lives that influenced who we are today.  A sobering thought!  The next day, a dinner with the Class of 49 in Goshen.  If that wasn't enough,  then met at Tammy's place in Wakarusa for a Freed gathering pictured above.  A wonderful time with great memories remembered!  To top it off,  I went to a new building in Wakarusa where once stood my High School.  This reunion pulled together all ages and folks I hardly remembered and not seen in over 50 years!  It's a fearful gathering. . .the fear of forgetting!  I survived and stuck close to my high school buddies just in case I needed help!  Indiana almost seemed like home again! Another installment to come.  (Click on photos to enlarge)

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