Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Attention Getters!

There is always something lurking in the corners, under the bushes, over the hill, around the bend or right in front of us. I'm not sure it's God seeking our attention or these detours in life happen to remind us that we need to pay more attention to ALL things around us at ALL times!

While at Lakeside,  we were beginning our chores as usual.  Mow the yard when the sun shines! Since there was no current in the outside recept,  I proceeded to check the breakers in the breaker box.  Of course, you must lift the lid and if you push it back in a little,  the lid will stay up as illustrated.  I then went around to check the recept and hurried back to the box of course with my hat on and looking down to avoid running into anything on the ground. . .a good plan, right?. . .wrong!  I hit with a full gate, glasses went sailing and I
immediately thought,  STUPID!  Hoping for only a bruise,  I finally worked up the courage to check for blood.  And you guessed it,  it had started dripping off my nose!  Not wanting to panic Esther,  I casually asked her to get me a couple ice cubes while I headed for the bathroom,  cold water and a wash cloth.  I really didn't look too bad but 15 minutes later,  we both decided we'd better have it checked and of course the only place available was the emergency room in Coos Bay, Oregon, a half hour away.  So with two ice cubes in a wash cloth we headed for the hospital.  A nurse checked me in and attached a temporary bandage.  Three hours later,  the doc took a look and decided to use 3 glue patches instead of thread and needle!  I was pleased of course and with head wrapped like some religious guru we headed to the nearest Burger King for something to eat.  I really didn't want to go anywhere and fortunately had taken a baseball hat which  did a great job covering most of the bandage.  But eating was not without guilt!  I have always believed that it was very impolite to wear a hat while eating,  especially while eating with other people.  Now here I am eating with my hat on!  and in a Burger King about 9 at night without a soul there but us. . .until we got our food and several car loads of teen age athletes invaded the place.  I tried to slip under the table but ate and hobbled out as quietly as possible.

I'm healing well.  Lori soaked off the docs Swami wrap and yesterday I had a regular scheduled appointment with my doctor here in Ashland.  He thought it looked good and took off the remaining hospital stuff.  I'm now running around without any bandage and trying to avoid anyone we know.  However tonight,  I have to face the music at choir rehearsal at church.  Not sure how I'll handle that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone is preparing for a scary Halloween costume.
