Sunday, December 21, 2014

Advent Faire Ashland

Every year, the first Sunday in December,  our Presbyterian Church meets in our Fellowship Hall for a Christmas craft making event called Advent Faire.  Esther, Lori and I have been helping kids and adults make sand candles for over 20 years now and several years ago, Jana has joined us using her art talents helping folks make centerpieces and door swags real evergreens.  Derrick and Brady joined us this year and toured various tables making Christmas crafts including Gingerbread houses.  You might guess Derrick started eating his on the spot!  Lori and I had our hands full pouring and finishing nearly 30 sand candles designed by kids and adults from round to square and all slightly different and with colors they picked.  We now pour uncolored wax for all the candles.  While the wax is still hot and absorbing into the sand,  I have melted the wax color blocks and molded onto a popsicle stick.  We then use a propane torch and drip the color wanted into the hot wax.  Using this method,  every person gets the color they want rather than have 8 different pots each a different color of hot wax,  we only need 1 or 2 pots of melted wax uncolored!  We work very hard for about 5 hours and are very tired when the day is done!  The amazing compliments from kids and adults make our part very rewarding!

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