Saturday, February 21, 2015

Umpqua Mud

When it rains in Ashland this time of year, it usually snows on Mt. Ashland.  Our last trip to the coast was during our rainy season.  Our cottage back yard water level was so wet you couldn't walk thru it.  But the sun came out long enough to mow the front yard.

As we toured past the Umpqua Light House,  our favorite drive in Winchester Bay,  the ocean view was remarkable!  The triangle upper center, is an oyster bed.  The right leg of the triangle is the left bank of the Umpqua River which has it's beginning near Crater Lake.  The heavy rains always wash lots of mud down the river, into the ocean.  It was very noticeable to see the muddy river water embraced by the ocean.  The huge flow of mud pushed it's way far out into the Pacific Ocean leaving this large mushroom of mud surrounded by the deep turquoise ocean water.  Eventually,  the ocean will absorb this muck and dump the silt and sand back on our Oregon beaches.  And the cycle of nature continues.  You know,  everything is attached to everything!  (Click on photo to enlarge)

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