Saturday, September 5, 2015

Texas 2015 Continued

The final weekend in Texas with Roly & Candy,  Ashley, Zack, Alice & Annie joined us.  Note the two youngest great grandchildren,  Annie, who just arrived and Evan, Holly & Joe's youngest,  kept us entertained every awake moment!  It was fun being worn out but our only relief came at night and naptime! Blake with the Carp and Joel took care of the remaining time.

Meals were always a grand together time and after, games included everyone!  Zack, Joe, Dan, Ashley, Roly and Sheila illustrate the gang. We had lessons in water safety and the important use of life vests along with techniques of fishing.  We caught Carp, Gar, Large mouth Bass, Catfish, Strippers most of which were returned to the warm water.  But the ones we really wanted,  the illusive Hybrids,  avoided us the entire week!  Roly did his best with depth finders,  his unusual knowledge of the lake and even checking with guides he knew and found the guides were not having any luck either!  More than catching fish and playing and eating great food, was just being together!  We all know that family togetherness is the greatest thing in the world but we have to get together to realize it!  (Click on photo to enlarge)

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