Sunday, October 25, 2015

Oregon Daze

It was a quick trip to Portland when Fred and Gail called.  Not everyday we hear from Michigan family! And in Oregon to be only 300 miles away is like being next door!  We called Jana,  drove to her place, and let her drive us to Portland for an evening dinner with niece and nephew, including Dan's, Jaime & Adam!  We make reunions happen when ever we have a chance!  Maybe we have a larger role in making blessings happen, than we realize!

Then on to Portland again, five days later to be with Dan for a hip replacement!  And again the same format!  Drive to Jana's and let her drive us to Portland again!  We were all there to welcome Dan back to reality.  Naturally, he was somewhat groggy for most of the day but ready to enjoy some delicious hospital food!  Sheila and Jaime along with us managed to keep him awake and  you can see they even got him up for a walk just hours after the surgery!  Amazing!  He survived and I'm happy to say, he's doing well and to date is treating his new hip with tender loving care!  (Click on photo to enlarge)

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