Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Eugene Ice Storm

We were in Eugene on a Tuesday last week, saw a concert with Derrick and his Tuba.  Great!
In the morning, when ready to head home,  our car was covered with a layer of ice!  Fortunately,  the rain had loosened the ice and had melted on the roads.  We headed to Ashland in heavy rain all the way home!

We learned the next day another torrent of freezing rain hit Eugene again along with snow in Portland.  The snow in Portland caused terrific driving hazards with lots of traffic sliding crashes!  Eugene in the meantime, was gathering freezing rain on trees, power lines and everything else outdoors!  Hundreds of tree limbs came crashing down crushing cars,  injuring people and causing major power outages!  Jana's were without power for 3 days!  and all this just a little over a week away from Christmas!  They are still cleaning up the tree limbs and repairing downed lines.  It seems we all get weather problems somewhere along our pathway.  As the Bible says,  "The rain falls on the just and the unjust."  The promise is that God will guide us through the recovery process!   It's in the process that God's presence shines!  (click on photos to enlarge)

Monday, December 5, 2016

Music Man

Derrick in Eugene, is stepping to a new rhythm!  And it takes a lot of air to keep in step. He's still a kid but growing up fast!  So fast he almost needs new shoes before  he gets home from the shoe store!  But someone at school invited him to check out the Jr. High band.  So he did and as he looked and thought,  he spied the biggest and baddest horn setting in the corner. Nobody wanted this ugly horn and it looked like hard work to carry this around especially if you were in marching band.  Not for Derrick that big horn looked like a challenge so he tried out.  He blew and blew a bunch of air notes but finally hit a C double flat! At least it was a note!  The more he blew,  the more he knew that horn was for him!

He's been at it for over a year and he's now performing in several orchestras, one an all tuba orchestra that includes all ages, Derrick being the youngest!  Can you imagine 30 tuba's performing a Christmas Concert?
This all city event is a grand hit every year!  Congratulations Derrick! (click on photo to enlarge)

Friday, October 14, 2016

Hills of Portland

Life is full of twists and turns and forks in the road.  And as one great coach has said,  "when you come to a fork in the road,  take it!"  Sheila took the fork and landed in the hospital.  They're not sure why she's there but as of a few minutes ago, they hope to find out with an MRI.  They know it is a heart problem and she has made a lot of progress since her arrival at the emergency room.  We went to Portland with Lori and connected with Dan and Shawna, Jaime and dinner with Adam and the gang.  It was a wonderful time of encouragement and strengthening each other. It is always a blessing when our family joins hands and focuses on showering our love on each other! (click on photos to enlarge)

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Around the World Part 2

We had gathering after gathering starting in Michigan!  With Brown City camp in progress, we had gobs of family surrounding us at all times!  We needed a glossary to keep track of everyone and we were totally lost with all the kids of our nieces and nephews!  Betty, Esther, Ruth and their two brothers, now departed, have created a world of relatives!    Jim and Shirley were only a few of the welcome! (Lori stayed thru Mich.)

After Brown City,  we headed for Indiana - connected
with our wonderful friends and had a great reunion in Wakarusa
with Tammy, Rick, Kim and Tom.

Then back to Michigan where we connected with Jane and Larry from North Carolina. Over the years, friendships and family have added new dimensions to our spiritual enrichment. All these blessings and contacts consumed our thoughts as we headed to Texas by air. Esther was delighted to gather round our great grand children  Roly and Candy are the center of activity.  We celebrated birthdays, grands and greats!
And, of course had several rides on Roly's new boat with Tyler scouting out the catfish!  The big event in celebration was a Medieval Times dinner/show enjoyed by our birthday troop!  We have difficulty expressing our love and gratitude for all the gifts of love showered upon us along this journey, especially appreciated at our age! (click on photo to enlarge)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Around the World in 3 Weeks

Car and air,  we flew from here to there, then drove around without a care!!  Almost -

We flew from Oregon to Detroit,  then the heavens opened and a Mercedes landed in Ruth's front yard. It was a first class gift from one of Esther's favorite cousins, for our travel for the next two weeks! Family blessings show up in many ways and this was just the beginning of a great 3 weeks!  We started om Michigan with a cousins reunion where 57 showed up. Then Brown City camp where Mark and Fonda's terrific family gathered along with there grown up kids that we missed all these years!  It was on to Indiana, in a luxury Mercedes, of which I had never driven before!!!! Even though it took lots of explaining as we traveled along, we enjoyed the treat! Friends and family provided many more delights!  I'll make another installment with family photos.  Then back to Detroit where we flew to Dallas to spend a week with Roly's and the gang!

We worried most about our air travel.  Anxious that we would be able to print out our boarding passes 24 hours in advance of travel then getting to our gates on time,  boarding, exiting and leaving the airport.  It's not easy anymore.  But the heavens continued to open.  Whenever we needed help,  there was always someone there at just the right time to help!  The grand finale came in Denver when we boarded our last flight to Oregon and home. . .the gate agent handed us two first class seat changes as we boarded!  I could hardly say thanks!   We did not have time to eat between flights.  With this upgrade, we received complete meals and they were 90 percent gluten free!  Throughout the years we have tried to live our thanksgiving as the Lord has told us "give and it will be given to you!"

As we have been processing this wonderful trip and readjusting back to our life in Oregon,  this past Saturday when driving in downtown,  we had to stop for firetrucks moving towards the freeway.  As we turned towards our house, it appeared a large smoke plume was coming from our neighborhood.  The closer we got the more concerned we were.  Now there were many firetrucks and a helicopter dropping water!  It was serious and when arriving at our house,  the fire was about 1/2 mile away. . .too close for comfort! It was 6 years ago now that 11 houses burned down right across the street from us.  We will remember being evacuated without time to take anything with us!  Fortunately,  the fire department jumped on this fire got it under control without the loss of any homes.  We know the rains fall on the just and the unjust so we don't expect special favors from God.  We always ask for strength to cope with elements in our lives that we seem to have no control over. We give thanks for His help on this trip and for each new day!  (click on photo to enlarge)
Note:  The red Mercedes golf cart belongs to Ruth & Joe. Mark's family and grand kids along with Gary K. just loaded the cart at Brown City Camp.  Golf carts are the favorite transportation at camp.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Oregon Coast Breezes

When it's 100 degrees in Ashland, it's usually about 70 degrees at the coast!  Our friends, Chris and Carlon escaped the California heat and joined us at Ten Mile Lake, in Oregon. The weather was great and the seafood yummy!  In Florence,  we had gluten-free fish and chips,  some of the best we've had. The batter and ling cod was excellent and without using wheat flour!  We  came back home by way of Bandon where the ocean coast scenery is always spectacular!  and breezy!  Our special treat here is a beech front walk in cafe with basic seating if your lucky and $10 crab cocktails!  They felt sorry for us old folks and we got seats inside which was like being outside! A wonderful experience that reminds you of the Wharf in San Francisco.

We then toured the coast and managed several short walks but the scenery is just too spectacular to miss.  And if you insist on exercise,  try the  500 step stairs down to walk in the surf!  And as you observe, there were many walking along with a group on horseback.

We made it back to Ashland to celebrate Carlon's birthday with a special cake,  can you guess?
(click on photos to enlarge)

Sunday, June 19, 2016




The grand kids keep graduating! , , ,and in a few years the great grand kids will be wearing the gown!
Esther and I made the trip to Jana and Paul's place to celebrate Payton's High School Graduation!  It was a packed theater downtown and we were separated from Jana's and on different floors.  When it was all over we decided to just wait - the crowd flooded the aisles and lobby - there was no place to go!  Eventually,  Brady and Derrick found us.  Lots of photos and excitement.

Early the next morning, Jana drove us to Portland where we connected with Lori, Amanda, Adam and Dan's
(Jaime and Sheila)  We had lunch together and headed for the Rose Garden Arena where Adam along with 2500 other students would graduate at 2 pm!  We decided to park the van in a downtown garage and ride the tram to the Garden.  We didn't have to worry about traffic and parking!  It worked out well and we experienced the longest graduation in history!!!  It started 45 minutes late and by the time we had heard all 2500 names read,  we had sat on hard chairs for 6 long hours!  What we do for our kids and grand kids and
on and on it goes!  But the rewards are great!  Family togetherness adds strength to each individual!  We see the results of those who go thru life alone!  We join our hands to all of you with gratitude and appreciation!
(click on photo to enlarge)

Friday, June 10, 2016

Gain & Loss Together



Pluses and minuses often come together.  Lori has been looking for a home she could afford especially in southern Oregon where prices remain high and few for sale in the affordable range.  The house side of us had been trashed by marijuana growers making it affordable for Lori to purchase. Painting in and out, new kitchen floor, removal of trash along with unpacking at least 100 boxes seems to never end.

In the midst of all this,  one of her aging Collies became ill and was diagnosed with cancer.  Very quickly Maverick passed away in the middle of all the moving muddle.  Mom, Dan and I joined her along with a friend,  drove up the mountain, dug a grave and buried him with tears and sadness.

We are all moving on trying to focus on the wonderful memories along with creating a whole bunch of new memories!  We never thought one of our kids would be living right side of us!  Now is graduation time again and tomorrow,  we will travel north to see Payton and Adam graduate.  And as you remember,  we looked forward to leaving home and becoming independent in the adult world.  As we grow old,  it seems we become more dependent and probably would like to return home again!  We all know that going back to our beginnings is never the same. . .so we move on from place to place building friendships that give us a sense of security in our old age! Especially the friends we have cultivated over the years!
(click on photo to enlarge)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


From Shore Acres on the coast of Oregon to the shores of Missouri and Oklahoma the clan was enjoying the environment. . .that is, most everyone!  While the waves were beckoning,  Lori and friends were loading and unloading. . .starting the tedious task of moving!  To ease the pain,  Jana & Brady drove down and were a BIG help for the week end!  We all know what moving entails!  and this is the final week, at least in moving and packing.  Thankfully, Lori has a large garage which is already half full!

Meanwhile,  Roly and Tyler took the new boat for a joy ride across Oklahoma to a great fishing lake they wanted to check out.  We know they caught at least one! and the scenery would be enough for a wonderful trip!  After all,  it usually takes at least two to increase your enjoyment along with helping it last longer.

While everyone was working and playing,  Esther and I escaped to the coast.  Yes,  the rhododendrons were in nearly full bloom with several weeks to go for even more beauty!  It's easy to forget work when surrounded by the hands of God! And it's even enjoyable to mow foot high grass and weeds!  Whether it's Oregon, Oklahoma or Texas,  our Creator's world thrives best with tender loving care and peace among all.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Running the Oregon Dunes

In all kinds of weather,  the 40 miles of sand dunes along the coast of Oregon between Coos Bay and Florence beckon to all ages,  climb, run, jump, roll and walk!  Jana, Payton, Brady and Derrick with dog in hand, cavorted over the dunes on Spring Break!  They even had time for crabbing!  And there is always some wind for kites between the rain and sunshine.  You might even decide to get wet in the lake or ocean!  Natural beauty surrounds us!  Just look and enjoy!  (click on photos to enlarge)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Spring in Ashland

Everywhere you look trees are smiling at you!  Red Bud, Flowering Crab, flowering bushes, bright yellow forsythia,  all saying yes from the Creator to all of us!  Every Spring it's always new again and remarkable to realize the hundreds of beautiful blooms have all be planted by us humans!  And in most cases,  cared for by all of us!  It's always a reminder that beauty thrives when cared for  and as we grow in magnitude so does our influence and legacy.  Take great care of your plantings. . .their offspring will grow beyond your imagination!  Blessings to you all from Ashland in Spring!
(click on photo to enlarge)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Texas Fishing in January

Roly decided that fishing might be better in the Gulf of Mexico, so Tyler and Roly headed for Huston with boat in tow!  They chartered a crew and pulled in some nice salt water fish!  Then decided the old faithful pontoon style boat had served it's time with serious wear and tare,  so made a deal in Houston and brought home a new boat. The above beauty promises to fly over the waves, between the submerged trees, stumps and sand bars!  Looks like a great addition to all the family water lovers especially the fisher folks!
(click on photo to enlarge)

Friday, January 1, 2016

Christmas & New Years Day

We went to Taco Bell for lunch today, New Years Day, and behold, 4 kids on horses were in the drive thru placing orders!  Thought we were back in the wild west! Meanwhile back at the ranch,  our Christmas Tree stands beautifully lighting the corner of our living room!  We'll enjoy it as long as possible before the Boy Scouts come  to pick up all the leftover trees for composting.

While Blake & Evan try to get some sleep in grandma and grandma's bed deep in the heart of Texas.  We understand that the kids were hit with the Christmas flu and by Christmas morn,  all except Holley cams down with the dreaded stomach flu!  They did manage to open some presents and were feeling better by the week end.  Family togetherness does have it's pitfalls and we always hope it's not us!  Glad to know that everyone is feeling better for the New Year!  (click on photo to enlarge)

A favorite saying of mine:

The New Year is like fresh fallen snow . . .
Be careful where you step
for all your tracks will show.