Monday, August 29, 2016

Around the World in 3 Weeks

Car and air,  we flew from here to there, then drove around without a care!!  Almost -

We flew from Oregon to Detroit,  then the heavens opened and a Mercedes landed in Ruth's front yard. It was a first class gift from one of Esther's favorite cousins, for our travel for the next two weeks! Family blessings show up in many ways and this was just the beginning of a great 3 weeks!  We started om Michigan with a cousins reunion where 57 showed up. Then Brown City camp where Mark and Fonda's terrific family gathered along with there grown up kids that we missed all these years!  It was on to Indiana, in a luxury Mercedes, of which I had never driven before!!!! Even though it took lots of explaining as we traveled along, we enjoyed the treat! Friends and family provided many more delights!  I'll make another installment with family photos.  Then back to Detroit where we flew to Dallas to spend a week with Roly's and the gang!

We worried most about our air travel.  Anxious that we would be able to print out our boarding passes 24 hours in advance of travel then getting to our gates on time,  boarding, exiting and leaving the airport.  It's not easy anymore.  But the heavens continued to open.  Whenever we needed help,  there was always someone there at just the right time to help!  The grand finale came in Denver when we boarded our last flight to Oregon and home. . .the gate agent handed us two first class seat changes as we boarded!  I could hardly say thanks!   We did not have time to eat between flights.  With this upgrade, we received complete meals and they were 90 percent gluten free!  Throughout the years we have tried to live our thanksgiving as the Lord has told us "give and it will be given to you!"

As we have been processing this wonderful trip and readjusting back to our life in Oregon,  this past Saturday when driving in downtown,  we had to stop for firetrucks moving towards the freeway.  As we turned towards our house, it appeared a large smoke plume was coming from our neighborhood.  The closer we got the more concerned we were.  Now there were many firetrucks and a helicopter dropping water!  It was serious and when arriving at our house,  the fire was about 1/2 mile away. . .too close for comfort! It was 6 years ago now that 11 houses burned down right across the street from us.  We will remember being evacuated without time to take anything with us!  Fortunately,  the fire department jumped on this fire got it under control without the loss of any homes.  We know the rains fall on the just and the unjust so we don't expect special favors from God.  We always ask for strength to cope with elements in our lives that we seem to have no control over. We give thanks for His help on this trip and for each new day!  (click on photo to enlarge)
Note:  The red Mercedes golf cart belongs to Ruth & Joe. Mark's family and grand kids along with Gary K. just loaded the cart at Brown City Camp.  Golf carts are the favorite transportation at camp.

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