Sunday, January 22, 2017

Ski Ashland

The allure of skiing never goes away and when you have a beautiful Mt. Ashland within a few miles you just have to see for yourself!

When I was about Lori's age, skiing lured me the day before a 700 mile drive to
San Diego.  It was my last run down the main mountain.  And just entering the home base area,  I twisted my right ankle. There was no question,  I had to get to the car soon and down the mountain home before I couldn't.  The next day while driving on the long trip south, I could hardly move my foot from gas peddle to brake and stopped along the way to purchase an ankle support.  It was a miserable week working.  Needless to say, that was my last ski experience.  But everyone has their day to experience the joy and pain of skiing.

Lori went up the mountain and down the mountain, however, the down side came unexpected.  She had skied most of the day and had just departed from the ski lift.  You soon learn that it takes some experience to learn how to depart from the lift chair and get out of the way since another skier is coming right behind you.  She had gotten out of the way and talking to another skier when suddenly was flattened by an out of control skier.  Their skis caught Lori's ski, twisted both knees, as they both landed in a heap in the snow.
Limping back to the car and back home, we got the news and dug out an old pair of wooden crutches and some left over food as she settled into a comfortable chair for a long night.  It's been about a week now, with  x-rays and an MRI and doctor fitted knee braces and still able to smile. I think she would still recommend skiing to anyone able bodied.  However, she may be entering that stage of life where you rethink your sports life. (click on photo to enlarge)

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