Monday, May 8, 2017


Practice, practice, practice is what you do to make the team and excel!  And when the unexpected happens, all that practice kicks in and you react. . .so quick your almost unaware of what you do.  Derrick loves baseball and has earned  his spot as first baseman.  The other team was at bat and had runners on first and second when the batter hit a line drive down the first base line sure to bring in several runs!  Derrick instinctively responded. . .snagged the line drive fly ball, tagged the runner on first who didn't have time to get back to first,  whipped the ball to the second baseman who tagged the runner off second too far off to get back and Derrick retired the inning in a split second with a TRIPLE PLAY!  WOW!

CONGRATULATIONS, Derrick     You make us all proud!     (click on photos to enlarge)

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