Friday, August 25, 2017

Fire on the Freeway

It was 7 years ago this week that a smoker started a fire across the freeway from our house.  The winds blew the embers across the highway into a grove of trees and brush that ignited and rapidly blew towards our house.  Before the many fire departments got it under control,  it had burned 11 houses  adjacent to the freeway!  The fire trucks were parked in front of our house!  Would you believe,  several weeks ago, a semi heated up coming down the mountain and ignited on the freeway across from our place!  It was loaded with wine and proceeded to spue black smoke and ashes all over our area!  Naturally,  this alarmed our neighborhood!  Meanwhile,  we were at the coast and realized when picking up our mail in the mailbox, that someone had a fire in our neighborhood. There were large remnants of ash scattered all around our property. In the news that evening,  we found out what had happened.  In the course of this huge fire,  and in fire season, there were multiple explosions which had all our neighbors on edge!  Thankfully,  the fire departments were much better prepared this time and quickly put out the small fires started from flying embers. The Bible says,  "The rain falls on the just and the unjust."  Thankfully,  this time no one was injured and very little property was lost! (click on photo to enlarge)

Monday, August 7, 2017

Jumpin at Jana's

Dan, Sheila, Jaime and Celeste, Esther and I met at Jana & Paul's place for a brief family gathering.  Even though Roly's and Lori's couldn't make it,  we wanted to catch up with Jaime and Celeste.  It started with outdoor grilling.  Paul hovered over salmon and brats while Jana gave us a wave of grilled veggies, zucchini, eggplant, onions, multi color peppers, broccoli,  tomatoes, mushrooms. . .it seemed to never stop! Topped off with ice cream and Cinnabuns!  The backyard pool did cool down a very hot day for this part of the world!
Besides the kids,  Brian and Allison from our Arizona connection joined the fun and family.  We appreciated all the efforts and the strength we receive when family gets together to join our hearts together. (click on photos to enlarge)