Monday, August 7, 2017

Jumpin at Jana's

Dan, Sheila, Jaime and Celeste, Esther and I met at Jana & Paul's place for a brief family gathering.  Even though Roly's and Lori's couldn't make it,  we wanted to catch up with Jaime and Celeste.  It started with outdoor grilling.  Paul hovered over salmon and brats while Jana gave us a wave of grilled veggies, zucchini, eggplant, onions, multi color peppers, broccoli,  tomatoes, mushrooms. . .it seemed to never stop! Topped off with ice cream and Cinnabuns!  The backyard pool did cool down a very hot day for this part of the world!
Besides the kids,  Brian and Allison from our Arizona connection joined the fun and family.  We appreciated all the efforts and the strength we receive when family gets together to join our hearts together. (click on photos to enlarge)

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