Sunday, October 1, 2017

Jamaica Landing

Lori has become a dental assistant and is now a regular on the dental trip to Jamaica!  And this year, Adam's new job folks in Portland wanted all their new employees to do community service! Guess what,  they agreed to give him time off to do dental work in Jamaica! . . .his first trip outside the USA!   They just completed their mission and these photos are the first signs of their work with the Jamaican people on the backside who never see a dentist!  You can imagine,  long lines of folks greet them daily which means long hours and hard work!  They work as organizers keeping the people flow to 5 dentists without delay along with assisting them as nurses.  I'm sure they will have lots of stories to share!  After the work,  they managed several relaxing days enjoying the Jamaican beaches! (click on photos to enlarge)

1 comment:

jimmy said...

Great to see all the pictures, and read the notes. Thanks for keeping our families updated with your journy the Lord has given you