Sunday, February 18, 2018


Feb. 17, was the BIG DAY for Amanda and Lori!  Baby Luke arrived, about on schedule and from all indications every one is doing fine.   The day went pretty fast and they arrived at the hospital in time.  Thinking back to Dan's birth,  our first,  I had a youth committee meeting that went late the night before and all the gas stations were closed and didn't expect to rush to the hospital with little sleep the next morning.  And, you guessed it,  we ran out of gas two miles from the hospital and coasted into the only all night gas station in town!  I had to wake up the attendant and we got to the hospital just in time.  I'm not sure what God was trying to tell me but as you can see, it was burned into my memory!

God has given us the grand ability to experience creation. . . .then comes the responsibility to nurture what we have created. . . in a wild and woolly world,  protecting and teaching each newcomer how to live in peace and love.  As the old folks of the family,  we ask everyone to encourage and pray for our newest family addition as well as those of us scattered thruout the US and elsewhere!
(click on photo to enlarge)

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