Sunday, July 1, 2018

California Luke

Talk about gaining weight,  Luke has more than doubled since entering the world competition!  Lori made a fast trip to pick up Amanda and Luke and just arrived in Oregon.  His first trip north was greeted with lots of fond smiles!  You can almost see his brain processing information overload!  We soon forget that all of us started the same way and as the years go by, our childhood fades away and it seems that we've always been adults.  Just imagine yourself learning to talk and walk.  Just be thankful that you were loved, held, fed, kept dry and all the wholesome things that helped you grow up!  We forget that someone helped us grow up too!  Great grandma and I still remember how to talk to and hold these little people.  Loving is something we become and something we impart to those we touch.  (click on photo to enlarge)

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