Thursday, October 18, 2018

Traveling Legs!

I thought and thought. . .could we make another trip to the Midwest?  If air travel plans went easy, it would be a heavenly sign.  My first call to United made the arrangements easy,  that is, super easy!
Then the time seemed to stand still. I reminded myself,  one day at a time!  Now, a month later,  we made it and managed to see all the family and several special friends!  It's amazing how fast all those wonderful moments became wonderful memories!  I don't know where to begin so I just put off this assignment of giving you a glimpse of our super trip!  Traveling Michigan and Indiana,  we had to explain the Cadillac Escalade supplied by cousin Charlie! a very comfortable ride!  But in Texas,  we traveled by boat as you note! and yes, I really did catch the only keeper this time out and I think it was a 10 pounder even thought Roly wouldn't weigh it!  Everywhere we went everyone prepared gluten free meals!  What a treat and exceptional flavors and fellowship. You will note,  Evan, Blake, and Roly - Kim, Tom & Tammy, Rick,  and  Holly and Joe.  We had a great time with high school and college friends and our many wonderful family friends in Michigan.  I have laid aside my picture taking assignment of the past and will be relying on all your phone photos for the future!
Blessings to All!     (click on photos to enlarge)

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