Thursday, September 12, 2019

Lakeside Changes

It's hard to believe that we've had the cottage at Lakeside over 25 years!  We planted a small Mimosa tree, partly visible on the left, which now has grown above the house loaded with branches that surround the power lines that attach to the house!  Over the years, I trimmed around the power lines and and shaped it with many trim jobs.  And everywhere you trim,  10 new branches sprout! As we recently examined the compact limbs and those around the power lines,  I knew it was more than I could handle!  We agreed it was time for the tree to come down. . .but where do I find someone willing to do the job at a reasonable price???  Last week before we left Lakeside,  a young man came over recommended by our good neighbor there and offered to do the job at a reasonable price!!  The Angels were again watching over us!!!  We accepted the offer and the tree is now gone!!!

The beautiful Mimosa has spread it's canopy wide as you can see!  Even though it's a dirty tree, always dropping branches, leaves, blossoms and sap,  it always makes a grand show late summer!  Time marches on and as we grow old,  so does all our possessions and repairs become more difficult for everything and everyone!  (click on photos to enlarge)

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