Travelling from Portland to Ashland, we stopped at the Hazelton's in Eugene. We found the grandkids, Payton, Brady and Derrick entranced with their new We Game by Nintendo!!! What a clever game!!! even for old folks! The difference between this new version of games is, you actually play the game. . .for bowling, you throw the simulated ball at the pins! . . .you can play ping pong, shoot space ships where you actually point the shooter at the TV screen moving targets, ride a cow over obstacles hoping you stay on the track, play tennis, etc. . .the most interesting game playing I've seen yet and taking the country by storm! Nintendo still hasn't caught up with the Christmas demand of last year!!!! I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with a We by year's end. . .thanks to Roly and his family who introduced us to this fun. And before you go out and buy this game contact Paul and Jana on how to get the best deals on games and controllers to go with your initial purchase. Esther & I can bowl against each other just like the real thing and your arm even gets tired after several 10 frame games!!!!
Brady celebrated his 8th birthday, April 8, 2008! He called the 8ths, his golden birthday! & in a rented gym, with his friends. He has lots of energy!
(Jana & Paul Hazelton)