Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Is anyone tired of politics? Everyone has a bias, even news reporters! They choose what to report and leave out the photos or the words they disagree with. Newspaper editors run 10 year old stories if it hurts the opposition. If important news doesn't support their position, it's buried on page 18. Of course we all have a bias and often refuse to believe obvious facts that disagree with our position. It's a human trait!

As I assess the current scene, name calling nor vain criticism gives credence to objective thinking. If you are open to looking, observe where the majority of political hostility comes from, then reassess. If your like me, we long for sanity and rational thinking in our government, something we seldom see particularly today when we were informed of the billions of dollars of questionable credit card purchases by our politicians! Who pays, we do! The only answer some give is to raise taxes. Why not eliminate the credit cards! Whenever any one of us belittles the competition, we close off rational discussion.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Refreshing to see the tan background of your blog and the great photos. Not always true of others I have seen, though my experience is not great, I grant.
Prayers continue for Dan and family ... and you all.
Regarding political tiredness and such ... and to think we're not even close yet to Nov. I trust you might be suggesting eliminating credit cards for government folks who are abusing them and not all of us ... though considering the abuse of them by so many, that may not be a bad idea. But it would probably cause even more banks to go belly up ... without all of the fees and interest. After all ... how could we be patriotic without spending more and more on things we likely don't need (speaking as one who has enough ... knowing that is not true for many others).
I like your blog. Thanks for including me. Larry