Saturday, August 16, 2008

Derrick & Brady in Ashland

Derrick & Brady Hazelton, Jana & Paul's Kids, also enjoyed Ashland when they came to pick up their sister, Payton. It was mostly pool time but we did go to a local orchard and pick a few peaches at $2 per pound. . .which means that 8 peaches cost $8!!!!! It was Derricks first time so Payton showed him how it was done. We even ate a few to enjoy sticky hands! Brady was more interested in the pool at Lori and Bob's. With all the squirt guns available, one has to be watching every minute and if your not careful, you'll end up in the pool even though you weren't planning on it. With temperatures in the 100's, the cool pool was refreshing. Derrick even us made an art piece pictured. I asked him why the rabbit had a black eye and he quickly told me it was a Pirate Rabbit with a patch over one eye. . .no question about it. That was the most important part of his art work! and is much more appreciated now that we know!

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