Sunday, August 10, 2008

Payton Hazelton in Ashland, OR

The last of July, Grandma & Grandpa Freed picked up our granddaughter, Payton in Eugene, Oregon for a week vacation at the coast and in Ashland. Payton will be 10 years old this August 23. Paul & Jana (Freed) Hazelton were reluctant to let her go because of wading pool mishap that loosened and cracked two front teeth. She got them repaired just in time to go with us along with her pain pills! The coast was beautiful but cooooo at night. We picnicked by a small lake one evening, stopped at Cranberry Sweets and at a sea lion gathering place at Charleston. We even walked on the sandy Oregon Pacific Ocean beach near Winchester Bay Lighthouse! Payton couldn't resist skipping thru cooold surf, of course without her shoes! We then travelled to Ashland, about a 4 hour drive, and entered the heat zone again!!! about 90 degrees. Payton's first stop was at her aunt Lori's place. Bob & Lori just put in a large above ground pool! This was an instant hit! Payton is next thing to a fish when it comes to water! Amanda Good, pictured with Payton also loves the water almost as much as softball! The rest of the week was spent at the pool except for a ride with Aunt Lori on her little motorcycle! We introduced Payton to another 10 year old from our church, Lilly Patton. They immediately clicked and the next two mornings they lived in the pool! We did manage to pick peaches one morning after her parents & brothers arrived. When Sunday afternoon rolled around no one was anxious to head for Eugene. Vacations & week-ends don't get here soon enough and usually pass to fast!!!

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