Monday, March 30, 2009

The Dunes, Oregon Coast

Lori & Bob & kids left Bend, Oregon last week after another softball tournament. Amanda & the Grizzlies won 3 of 4 games and have won 7 of their last 8 games! Since it was Spring break for the kids they decided to head for Lakeside at the coast. Stopping in Eugene, they added Jana & Paul's 3 kids strapping one on the top for the 80 mile drive to Lakeside. Last Friday the sun decided to shine and off to the dunes after crabbing for their dinner!

In the past, kids 8 and older could rent a 4 wheeler and ride the dues accompanied by their parents or guardian but this year Oregon has upped the age to 14 and now demands a permit to ride after you pass a written safety test. Adam, now a freshman had to take this test. But Payton, Brady and Derrick could not ride to their disappointment. Then Aunt Lori & Uncle Bob came to their rescue and rented a new contraptions with roll bars and seat belts. The kids got to ride the dunes with them and had a great time. Of course Amanda & Adam and their friend, Will had their own 4 wheels to explore, get stuck and climb! The full day included running on the Pacific Ocean's sandy beach at Winchester Bay. All reported an exciting day!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Yreka, California Softball

Lori, Bob, Adam & us traveled 50 miles south into California for Amanda & the Ashland Grizzlies softball tournament yesterday. Blistery cool weather set in with blasts of rain off and on. We were glad the Siskiyou pass at 4300 ft. was only rain. Today at noon, it has turned to heavy snow. Thank goodness the tournament ended yesterday at 6pm with Ashland taking all the honors! The Grizzlies won the tournament undefeated! Notice Amanda receiving the first honor of the most outstanding player! The championship game was well played in off and on rain and won 6 to 1. During the two day event, Amanda hit her first home run of the season! She is anticipating her next big step at the University of California, Monterey Bay, near San Jose.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ashley in Austin, Texas

Roly & Candy are making frequent trips to Austin for wedding arrangements. I begged for cell phone photos, anything. . .and finally received these photos transmitted from his cell to my phone. I then worked for half a day trying to download the photos to my computer whereby I could then use them on this Blog! I could not figure out how to move the photos, that I already had, into the file they needed to be in, so they would automatically end up in my computer where I could then manage them. If you don't understand all this, don't worry . . . a smart gal at our cell phone store showed me how it's done and behold, they now appear above.

Ashley & Zack must have cooked up a shrimp and mussel dinner for Candy and Roly as they discussed wedding plans for June 13. They even double checked the church sanctuary for seating comfort for the long ceremony they have planned and to be sure all the guests would fit in. We're glad to see they're still smiling!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Corsicana, Texas Toes

Most of us have cell phones with cameras. When you forget your digital camera, remember that cell phone and if you don't know how to take a photo, read that instruction book! It's easy. Usually there is a button right by your finger that will activate your cell camera. This is the latest cell photo of Blake, Roly & Candy's grandson and our first great grandson. He's now 1 year and 6 months old and is approaching those terrible two's. Right now he seems to be having trouble with his toes. When you have to take a photo with your cell phone, remember the pixels are few - meaning that the quality is low for Web transmission. But we'll take most anything you shoot for the Blog. Thanks, Texas for the photo update!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Portland, Oregon

On to Portland to visit Dan & Sheila. Keeping up with family and grand kids is a real job for old folks like us. Jaime (in front) and Shawna are now both out on their own, Shawna in Milwaukie, Oregon and Jaime now living and working in the state of Montana. Kids do grow up and strike out on their own, scary but life. Remember when it was you? And we remember our first apartment, the many moves our first years, gathering furniture at bargain prices, making do with the money we earned. And again, it looks like we'll all have to take a closer look at how we spend, hoping our economy will turn around soon. We're very thankful for our family! The weather in Portland was rainy and chilly but Dan kept the fire going adding a wonderful warm and homey feeling. He even cooked a chicken, morel mushroom casserole! Then on to the coast in the rain, waking up to a beautiful sunshine day allowing the opportunity to mow the grass! We made it back to Ashland yesterday following the rain most of the 200 mile trip!

Eugene, Oregon

Jana & Paul introduced us to the new Basketball Brady number 8! His first year, Brady is fired up about basketball and as I practiced with him outside, he hit 9 out of 10 free throws. He's got a good eye for the basket and loves to steal the ball and rebound! We'll see Brady in the news before long. Payton has just completed her flower art on wood to decorate her room. This nice addition adds the outdoors inside for her to enjoy everyday. It was a fun filled overnight on our way to Portland.