Monday, March 30, 2009

The Dunes, Oregon Coast

Lori & Bob & kids left Bend, Oregon last week after another softball tournament. Amanda & the Grizzlies won 3 of 4 games and have won 7 of their last 8 games! Since it was Spring break for the kids they decided to head for Lakeside at the coast. Stopping in Eugene, they added Jana & Paul's 3 kids strapping one on the top for the 80 mile drive to Lakeside. Last Friday the sun decided to shine and off to the dunes after crabbing for their dinner!

In the past, kids 8 and older could rent a 4 wheeler and ride the dues accompanied by their parents or guardian but this year Oregon has upped the age to 14 and now demands a permit to ride after you pass a written safety test. Adam, now a freshman had to take this test. But Payton, Brady and Derrick could not ride to their disappointment. Then Aunt Lori & Uncle Bob came to their rescue and rented a new contraptions with roll bars and seat belts. The kids got to ride the dunes with them and had a great time. Of course Amanda & Adam and their friend, Will had their own 4 wheels to explore, get stuck and climb! The full day included running on the Pacific Ocean's sandy beach at Winchester Bay. All reported an exciting day!

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