Friday, June 5, 2009

Downpour at Outdoor Graduation

For the first time, Ashland held their High School Graduation ceremony outdoors at our beautiful Lithia parks band shell, with seating on the grassy hillside. Lori and Bob's Amanda was one of the graduates. Bob & Lori had staked out a place by anchoring down a large tarp. We all arrived at 5:30pm carrying in lawn chairs & coolers full of picnic supplies. The day was overcast with clouds that looked suspicious. But we all enjoyed a picnic 1 hour before festivities began. About 6:45, the graduates gathered and began their procession to the front. . .all 300 of them!

Then the rain began! Gentle at first but within 5 minutes, the heavens let loose! Umbrellas popped up everywhere. . .jackets, hoods, tarps, anything people could find were flying everywhere. . .but nothing stopped the seniors with white and red mortar board hats marching to the open band shell where seating awaited them. Within minutes, they were all soaked to the bone and we, with jackets, hoods and umbrellas desperately tried to avoid the downpour. The program went on. . .and on. . .and on. Only one cello number was cancelled. Even the speaker was a droned on about herself and we all managed to stick it out until all 300 graduates had received their diplomas! What a graduation to remember!!! And Amanda achieved her goal with lots of smiles. When life gives you rain, you learn how to sing!!!! Congratulations Amanda!
In a few years it will be Adam's turn . . .pictured with Amanda.

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