Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Texas Wedding

Ashley Freed, Roly & Candy's first and our first grand daughter, was married June 13, in Austin, Texas. We started our 7000 mile journey thru Los Angles, then Phoenix and I-10 thru Texas to Austin. The photos will give you a quick view of this grand event which took place on the same week end as the national Harley-Davidson convention!!!!! Lot's of happy faces during and after the wedding along with Blake, Holly's son who was the ring bearer and will have his 2nd birthday in August. Ashley & Zack Steele were presented to the audience as Mr. & Mrs. Steele! Tyler & Holly join Roly, Candy & Ashley after the wedding. Roly seems to be especially glad to have Ashley married off!! The Wedding lasted about 15 minutes. . .right to the point! with a reception at the University of Texas Alumni Center that lasted from 7 to midnight!!! A wonderful event with lots of wonderful memories!

The next postings will become our summer travelogue with photos.

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